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Void Controller [Button Type] - Dual Sense PS5 Controller


Void ボタンタイプ

For PS5 | PC



This controller has all the unique smart trigger/smart bumper and rear button options.

These options are especially recommended for FPS players.

・Smart trigger/bumper

The switch uses a Japanese Omron switch,
It can withstand 5 million clicks.

This digital click is sure to give you a great experience!

⚠The parts that support the internal structure of the smart trigger/smart bumper may be damaged if excessive load is applied.

In order to maximize the original potential, it is recommended to operate with gentle force. Let's protect the important controller from the risk of failure.

⚠Adaptive triggers cannot be used when smart triggers are installed.

Since we do everything from design to assembly on our own, it is installed only in void controllers in Japan. Please be careful about products other than our company.

・Back button

Because it is installed so that the button naturally comes to the position where the hand is grasped,

You can use it immediately without any discomfort.

You can check how to set up the remapping function here .

If you use the remapping function, the wireless charging may not last as long.

About options

We offer removal of haptic feedback (vibrating motors).

Warranty period

There is a free warranty period of 3 months.

Click here for warranty details

For the first month, you will only have to pay for the shipping fee when shipping from the customer (please send it by shipping payment), and we will bear the shipping cost from our company.

After that, the return shipping fee will be borne by the customer.


Void ボタンタイプ

For PS5 | PC



  • 日本国内で製造


  • 充実したサポート体制


  • こだわりの品質


  • TOPプロ選手の使用実績

    Apex Legendsをはじめとしたゲームタイトルで数多くのプロ選手も愛用しています。

$121.00midnight black$118.00cosmic red$121.00white$124.00galactic purple$124.00starlight blue$121.00Nova Pink$124.00gray camouflage$124.00ヴォルカニックレッド$124.00コバルトブルー$124.00スターリングシルバー$136.00SHIRO$136.00New KURO$136.00SAKURA$136.00HANABI$136.00YOZAKURA$136.00NATSUMATSURI$136.00NAMI$136.00SAMURAI


お支払い方法:コンビニ決済、各種クレジットカード、Paidy後払い、Paypal、ペイジー、銀行振込、Google Pay、Apple Pay、PayPayに対応しています。


USB Type-Cケーブルは販売していますか?










対応可能時間:月~金 9:30~13:00 14:00~18:30



INTUITION ボタンタイプ for PS5 & PC


For PS5 & PC


This controller has all the unique smart trigger/smart bumper and rear button options.

These options are especially recommended for FPS players.

・Smart trigger/bumper

The switch uses a Japanese Omron switch,
It can withstand 5 million clicks.

This digital click is sure to give you a great experience!

⚠The parts that support the internal structure of the smart trigger/smart bumper may be damaged if excessive load is applied.

In order to maximize the original potential, it is recommended to operate with gentle force. Let's protect the important controller from the risk of failure.

⚠Adaptive triggers cannot be used when smart triggers are installed.

Since we do everything from design to assembly on our own, it is installed only in void controllers in Japan. Please be careful about products other than our company.

・Back button

Because it is installed so that the button naturally comes to the position where the hand is grasped,

You can use it immediately without any discomfort.

You can check how to set up the remapping function here .

If you use the remapping function, the wireless charging may not last as long.

About options

We offer removal of haptic feedback (vibrating motors).

Warranty period

There is a free warranty period of 3 months.

Click here for warranty details

For the first month, you will only have to pay for the shipping fee when shipping from the customer (please send it by shipping payment), and we will bear the shipping cost from our company.

After that, the return shipping fee will be borne by the customer.


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